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The files are installed by using the default settings in thedirectory: \"C:\\Program Files\\jdicom\" Automatically subfolders arecreated in the default installation directory. In the subdirectoryapplet you can find the available applet version of JDicom. Theseapplets are running in a Web Browser which supports Java.
To check if your made changes are OK, select the folderModalityWorklist and then again the WL entry. Now the modified WLfile should be loaded into the RisServerGUI. Start the RisServer byclicking the \"6WDUW\" button if not already done. Check in the logtab card whether the RisServer is successfully started or not. Themessages \" Waiting for invocations from clients... \" indicates ansuccessful start of the RisServer. If you get the following message\"java.io.IOException: d:\\dicom\\jdicom\\risserver224 is not awriteable directory!\" the RisServer is not started. Check the entryfor the 5HSRVLWRU\\3DWK whether this directory exists on your harddisc. 1e1e36bf2d
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