I had an orgonite and the first time I wore it I felt like me epiphysis strongly riped from that day even though i didnt ware it again but I was still keeping it at home i was feeling very tired everything was going wrong and i was getting sick one day something told me to through it in the sea and so i did. from next day I started to feel better.
OK there is no such thing as energy ect but what about collective unconscious is it like a bank of collective intentions that can affect my life or me?
Aug 17, 2018
Thanks for taking our questions Tom!
My questions are as follows:
1) When you die, and move to the temporary transition reality frame; do you have some sort of body/corporeal form? What form does your consciousness take? Also, I've heard Tom say that people often spend about a month in this transitional realty frame, processing their most recent life experience. Does one month correlate to our PMR? Does time move at roughly the same rate as it does in this PMR?
2) In this PMR, does consciousness have a lower limit? In other words, are there certain classes of animals/creatures that are being played by the LCS, or just running on their own via an organically derived behavior-algorithm? Do individual ants have their own IUOC? Squirrels? Seems clear to me that dolphins, dogs, cats, and lots of other creatures would probably be an IUOC behind the curtains, but I'd like to know more about this. Related question: When does a human's IUOC engage with it's body? Is it in utero, right after it's born, right after conception?
3) Finally, Tom, do you think that the existence of "playing" is a good indicator of the presence of consciousness? By "playing," I mean the ability for a creature to make choices and respond to its environment and other entities in its environment. I'm assuming here that "play" is choice-making based on perceived rules and perceived limits of one's environment. So, when I see a video of a crow sliding down a snowy roof top, using the lid of a jar as sled, I am 100% that the crow is playing, and is therefore a physical avatar of an IUOC. Would you agree? Can we use the presence of play as a litmus test for determining whether some creatures are conscious or not?
Thank you!
Aug 17, 2018
1.Can our family members be (N.P.C) Non player characters?
2. When people record EVP sounds are those voices actually those of their deceased loved ones?
3. A common theme when people smoke DMT is the interaction with Elves and Jesters.. have you ever came across a reality frame that supports this common theme?
4. What's the purpose of NASA if we can only get into other worlds by reality frames and not by physical travel.
5. What religion were you brought up in as a child and how did your parent's and family react to your book?
6. Are cellphones just another tool we use to communicate telepathically since nothing physical actually exists?
7. If you had to guess what would you say was outside of consciousness
8. Is there any truth to the annunaki story.
Jock Mackay
Aug 15, 2018
Hi Tom, I was wondering if you could talk about food, and becoming 'mostly' a vegetarian?
I agree with your ethics regarding food, and our choices when examined, are quite complex. I particularly liked the series of videos you made in Ireland, in which, I was surprised to hear how frugal your diet is. But how about when you were younger, and had a larger appetite? As an active person who lifts weight, what was it like for you to start making vegan choices? did you always get enough protein and have enough energy? Do you have any simple or basic advice for new vegetarians, for people who are becoming vegan, or anything that you think might be helpful to all the folks who are trying to make better decisions with regards to what they eat.
With thanks and best wishes to all of you, from John.
Aug 15, 2018
Hi again Tom, Have you heard of Jeremy Griffith and his book called FREEDOM, the end of the human condition and what do you think about the human condition as it relates to consciousness and our ever evolving into becoming
Aug 15, 2018
Hello Tom, at first thank you for spending your time with us. There are many reports about children spontaneously speaking about their past life and that they had been for example the grandmother of their dad. When they grow older they forget about it. For me that means that we join several times with the same"souls" in different relationships to experience the different aspects of them (it?). It sounds as if there are a kind of soulgroups.And in one group you make"teamwork"to grow to love.What do you think about this.Another question:When you(Tom) have been in the reality where the diceased ones arrive, did you never get contact with ancestors of yours? Liebe Grüße von Annette
Aug 15, 2018
Hello Tom, at first thank you for spending your timewithus.therearemanyreportsaboutchildrenspontaneouslyspeakingabouttheirpastlifeandthattheyhadbeenforexamplethegrandmotheroftheirdad.whentheygrowoldertheyforgetaboutit.Formethatmeansthatwejoinseveraltimeswiththesame"souls"indifferentrelationshipstoexperiencethedifferentaspectsofthem(it?).Itsoundsasifthereareakindofsoulgroups.Andinonegroupyoumake"teamwork"togrowtolove.Whatdoyouthinkaboutthis.Anotherquestion:Whenyou(Tom)areintherealitywherethediceasedonearrive,didyounevergetcontactwithancestorsofyours?Sorrybutthetypingdoesonlyworkthisway!LiebeGrüßevonAnnette
Aug 15, 2018
Thank you for having me here and my sincere thanks to Tom for being here, for his willingness to consider our requests and questions, and for all that he does and has done. I'm here today to ask if Tom wouldn't mind taking a look at my health and attempt a healing if anything is wrong. I recently lost consciousness and am experiencing something called orthostatic changes. I'm being looked at by doctors now. Various tests have been done and I am now wearing a heart monitor. Also, my kidney function is not what it should be for my age. So, just wondering what, if anything, is wrong and if there's any kind of healing or insight that you might be able and willing to offer.
Again, my sincere thanks and deepest gratitude for the invitation to be here and to Tom for all he does.
Korina Lymnioudi
Aug 15, 2018
1. We know that people with Asperger's syndrome cant really feel empathy, they cant even realise when they hurt the feelings of another person. Sometimes they even say "I do not know how to care, how to love, I maybe never feel love." Homeopathy is a great tool to totally reverse Asperger's but is hard to convince an Asperger person to do Homeopathy. How can these people become Love? 2. In your video Primal Man, Primal woman you say that the man has to be in charge, to care about the needs of the woman and then the woman will follow. What If the man is trying to do that but mostly from intellectual level and he seems to be terribly scared of his "being level"? Seems to name everything that has to do with being level ...a "strange thing", which blocks his feelings, the connection that was felt before and everything. I see lot of men being like this, specially the ones who always thought that being intellectual is what matter most... They want to change, they want to evolve but they find the being level as a strange scary place, as a totally new reality. What you could advice such men and is there something the woman must do to help?Seems to me the only way a woman can help is to accept their fear and be by their side, but then this doesnt really feel a happy place for her as it is a high entropy place.
3. In the comments of the same video you write " Loving yourself is a dysfunctional condition called narcissism. " and I couldnt agree more but I mostly feel it from my being level and I always find it hard to explain... when friends or my patients allways say "we can not love others If first we dont love ourselves". I think your input on this, would be valuable for many people.4. Would like to ask about the healing you do for my heart. For one whole month I was absolutely without symptoms, I was living the miracle. Could you see the reason that I start to have symptoms again? What can we do in order to be fully healed with my heart problem?
Aug 13, 2018
Thank you for inviting me here to join in the conversation and thank you Tom for all the hard work you have done in getting these books and experiments underway. My questions are: How do we as a collective people change the planet through joy when we are experiencing so much turmoil, hatred and division on a global scale? Are we as a planet experiencing a great awakening of consciousness? And if so, are we in a position to alter the reality we currently experience? What can we do to create change that will take future generations in a new more loving direction?
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I had an orgonite and the first time I wore it I felt like me epiphysis strongly riped from that day even though i didnt ware it again but I was still keeping it at home i was feeling very tired everything was going wrong and i was getting sick one day something told me to through it in the sea and so i did. from next day I started to feel better.
OK there is no such thing as energy ect but what about collective unconscious is it like a bank of collective intentions that can affect my life or me?
Thanks for taking our questions Tom!
My questions are as follows:
1) When you die, and move to the temporary transition reality frame; do you have some sort of body/corporeal form? What form does your consciousness take? Also, I've heard Tom say that people often spend about a month in this transitional realty frame, processing their most recent life experience. Does one month correlate to our PMR? Does time move at roughly the same rate as it does in this PMR?
2) In this PMR, does consciousness have a lower limit? In other words, are there certain classes of animals/creatures that are being played by the LCS, or just running on their own via an organically derived behavior-algorithm? Do individual ants have their own IUOC? Squirrels? Seems clear to me that dolphins, dogs, cats, and lots of other creatures would probably be an IUOC behind the curtains, but I'd like to know more about this. Related question: When does a human's IUOC engage with it's body? Is it in utero, right after it's born, right after conception?
3) Finally, Tom, do you think that the existence of "playing" is a good indicator of the presence of consciousness? By "playing," I mean the ability for a creature to make choices and respond to its environment and other entities in its environment. I'm assuming here that "play" is choice-making based on perceived rules and perceived limits of one's environment. So, when I see a video of a crow sliding down a snowy roof top, using the lid of a jar as sled, I am 100% that the crow is playing, and is therefore a physical avatar of an IUOC. Would you agree? Can we use the presence of play as a litmus test for determining whether some creatures are conscious or not?
Thank you!
1.Can our family members be (N.P.C) Non player characters?
2. When people record EVP sounds are those voices actually those of their deceased loved ones?
3. A common theme when people smoke DMT is the interaction with Elves and Jesters.. have you ever came across a reality frame that supports this common theme?
4. What's the purpose of NASA if we can only get into other worlds by reality frames and not by physical travel.
5. What religion were you brought up in as a child and how did your parent's and family react to your book?
6. Are cellphones just another tool we use to communicate telepathically since nothing physical actually exists?
7. If you had to guess what would you say was outside of consciousness
8. Is there any truth to the annunaki story.
Hi Tom, I was wondering if you could talk about food, and becoming 'mostly' a vegetarian?
I agree with your ethics regarding food, and our choices when examined, are quite complex. I particularly liked the series of videos you made in Ireland, in which, I was surprised to hear how frugal your diet is. But how about when you were younger, and had a larger appetite? As an active person who lifts weight, what was it like for you to start making vegan choices? did you always get enough protein and have enough energy? Do you have any simple or basic advice for new vegetarians, for people who are becoming vegan, or anything that you think might be helpful to all the folks who are trying to make better decisions with regards to what they eat.
With thanks and best wishes to all of you, from John.
Hi again Tom, Have you heard of Jeremy Griffith and his book called FREEDOM, the end of the human condition and what do you think about the human condition as it relates to consciousness and our ever evolving into becoming
Hello Tom, at first thank you for spending your time with us. There are many reports about children spontaneously speaking about their past life and that they had been for example the grandmother of their dad. When they grow older they forget about it. For me that means that we join several times with the same"souls" in different relationships to experience the different aspects of them (it?). It sounds as if there are a kind of soulgroups.And in one group you make"teamwork"to grow to love.What do you think about this.Another question:When you(Tom) have been in the reality where the diceased ones arrive, did you never get contact with ancestors of yours? Liebe Grüße von Annette
Hello Tom, at first thank you for spending your timewithus.therearemanyreportsaboutchildrenspontaneouslyspeakingabouttheirpastlifeandthattheyhadbeenforexamplethegrandmotheroftheirdad.whentheygrowoldertheyforgetaboutit.Formethatmeansthatwejoinseveraltimeswiththesame"souls"indifferentrelationshipstoexperiencethedifferentaspectsofthem(it?).Itsoundsasifthereareakindofsoulgroups.Andinonegroupyoumake"teamwork"togrowtolove.Whatdoyouthinkaboutthis.Anotherquestion:Whenyou(Tom)areintherealitywherethediceasedonearrive,didyounevergetcontactwithancestorsofyours?Sorrybutthetypingdoesonlyworkthisway!LiebeGrüßevonAnnette
Thank you for having me here and my sincere thanks to Tom for being here, for his willingness to consider our requests and questions, and for all that he does and has done. I'm here today to ask if Tom wouldn't mind taking a look at my health and attempt a healing if anything is wrong. I recently lost consciousness and am experiencing something called orthostatic changes. I'm being looked at by doctors now. Various tests have been done and I am now wearing a heart monitor. Also, my kidney function is not what it should be for my age. So, just wondering what, if anything, is wrong and if there's any kind of healing or insight that you might be able and willing to offer.
Again, my sincere thanks and deepest gratitude for the invitation to be here and to Tom for all he does.
1. We know that people with Asperger's syndrome cant really feel empathy, they cant even realise when they hurt the feelings of another person. Sometimes they even say "I do not know how to care, how to love, I maybe never feel love." Homeopathy is a great tool to totally reverse Asperger's but is hard to convince an Asperger person to do Homeopathy. How can these people become Love? 2. In your video Primal Man, Primal woman you say that the man has to be in charge, to care about the needs of the woman and then the woman will follow. What If the man is trying to do that but mostly from intellectual level and he seems to be terribly scared of his "being level"? Seems to name everything that has to do with being level ...a "strange thing", which blocks his feelings, the connection that was felt before and everything. I see lot of men being like this, specially the ones who always thought that being intellectual is what matter most... They want to change, they want to evolve but they find the being level as a strange scary place, as a totally new reality. What you could advice such men and is there something the woman must do to help? Seems to me the only way a woman can help is to accept their fear and be by their side, but then this doesnt really feel a happy place for her as it is a high entropy place.
3. In the comments of the same video you write " Loving yourself is a dysfunctional condition called narcissism. " and I couldnt agree more but I mostly feel it from my being level and I always find it hard to explain... when friends or my patients allways say "we can not love others If first we dont love ourselves". I think your input on this, would be valuable for many people. 4. Would like to ask about the healing you do for my heart. For one whole month I was absolutely without symptoms, I was living the miracle. Could you see the reason that I start to have symptoms again? What can we do in order to be fully healed with my heart problem?
Thank you for inviting me here to join in the conversation and thank you Tom for all the hard work you have done in getting these books and experiments underway. My questions are: How do we as a collective people change the planet through joy when we are experiencing so much turmoil, hatred and division on a global scale? Are we as a planet experiencing a great awakening of consciousness? And if so, are we in a position to alter the reality we currently experience? What can we do to create change that will take future generations in a new more loving direction?